Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh, How I Love Jesus and It's a Rainy Day"

... listening to Ashton sing these two songs for weeks now and I happened to have the camera out when he started singing them with his trains.

I missed the first line and part of the second but here is what he is singing.

"Oh, how I love Jesus"
"Oh,how I love Jesussssss"
"Oh, how I love Jesus"
"Because he first loved me."

He then immediately goes into

"It's a rainy day"
"It's a rainy day"
"It's raining outside"
And I cant go out and play (he skips this line or gives his own version of it)
"why does it have to rain anywhere (anyway)"


He always sings the two songs together. I wonder if he thinks it is one song. Also, many times he does a remix version, if I catch it, I will post it... it is quite funny.

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