Monday, May 17, 2010

Beach Boys- Part 2

... looking at the pictures from the beach and realize I have some gorgeous little boys.

The boys, especially Hunter, were quite excited about our beach trip and they had a great time. The water was cool so they were not too keen on the idea of getting wet but sand and sandcastles and wandering around the beach house and playing baseball with Queenie and walking the beach and looking at jellyfish kept them quite busy.

It was so nice having so many hands around to haul Shepherd, console Ashton, and talk to Hunter. I truly felt refreshed when we left.

Hunter- was totally in love with the sand. I tried to pull him along the shore line in the kayak but it was a bit wobbly and he didnt enjoy it so he played with them and a tube for awhile. I think he was the only person who did not take a nap during the day so he went to bed early 7:30 while we were there. Here are some pix of Hunter...

Macho Macho Man

Telling me all the letters

I love this pic of us

Ashton- I think his favorite part was being coddled. Ashton is so emotional that, right or wrong, I don't always love on him like he thinks he needs. Needless to say, Ashton's huge love tank was pretty full by the time we got home. Here are Ashy Smashy's pix.

*** My favorite part of this picture is seeing the pieces of sand and chocolate on his face (you may need to click to truly appreciate it)

Look at those eyes following the ball

So precious and pouty

Shepherd- As he normally is... was perfect. He enjoyed the beach and loved squishing his feet in the sand. He woke up fairly early (around 5 am) and he would have gone back to sleep but would need to blow bubbles for about 10 minutes first and I was afraid it would wake the other two up. So, I had a fun photo session with him right when the sun was coming up. These are probably my favorites.

Though I probably have one more post for the beach, tomorrow will be all about my Shep Shep as he celebrates his 1/2 birthday! Where has the time gone?!?!?


  1. Oh how I laughed my head off with part 1. And these pics are so wonderful. I can't wait to go to the beach with those three beautiful/handsome boys! Those pictures of Shep are AMAZING! It makes me want your camera! Missing you!

  2. LOOOOOVE the pics of Shep on the beach :) That sideways profile shot of him on his little chair is beyond precious! Frame it! And the other boys are so darn cute! I loved reading about your family, I was giggling right along with you! Such a blessing!
