Thursday, September 12, 2013

You Know You Are a Mom to Boys When... 2

1)...  You spent a large portion  of your morning making this..

And before I get criticism for no roof - ZACH- everyone knows it is too hard to play Legos with a roof  :)

Notice all the fun details... I mean, the cat is sitting on the window sill, the bed has a navy quilt with red and white throw pillows, and there are plants, and side tables.  my boys just don't get excited about these details... must teach them... must teach them... must teach them

1.5)... And then your son hands you this figure to play with in the perfectly built Lego house.  Does he not know that this boy/ girl mismatched Lego figure does not match the manicured lawn, or the bed with the throw pillows, or the nicely laid hardscaped outdoor area?  Geez, you would think I was building this for them?
What the crap?  I told dear Shepherd that this would just not do. I could not bring this one eyed SheMan into my beautiful house.
2)...  While getting a clump of wax our of your son's ear, he says, "it's a ladybug."  Ug!

3)... Your son, who is learning some sign language in kindergarten, asks what the sign for "fart" is... and when you say you don't know, he makes up his own sign.
There was also sound effects but I thought that was a bit too much for you Internet... you are welcome.

4) ... Another son, who is quite a good reader, mispronounces the title of this book.  In case you cant see it, "The Pout Pout Fish"

as the "Poot Poot Fish."  Once I get tickled, the laughter went on and on and on.  I laugh just thinking about the "Poot Poot Fish".. funny stuff I tell you , funny stuff. Come to think of it, "The Poot Poot Fish" could make a hilarious children's book. 

Are you starting to see a theme... yep, already obsessed with bodily functions.  I still prefer to call it a "saw saw."  But I fear "fart" is taking the place of my disguise word. I supposed I cant expect  them to be in high school calling them "saw saws" but I was hoping it would last a bit  longer. 

Until next time, to moms of boys... just SMILE and NOD and LAUGH... a lot! 


  1. I laughed out loud when I read about Ashton doing the sign language for fart,he cracks me up!

    1. Not one bit surprised that you would find that funny... haha!

  2. And I'm sure this will come as no surprise that I find this post hysterical....I was in a training this afternoon and sat in the back and snickered....tears came!
    And as far as childrens' books, I believe you are the one that should try your hand at writing one - you have stories to tell and you could still be a stay at home mom....forever!

    1. no surprise at all. You are the very inspiration of many of their farting tendancies... that is you AND Mantis.
