Wednesday, September 25, 2013

8 month baby

The Monthly Shot

This month you have become quite the little handful.  You want so desperately to move.  Your favorite position is to stand up and hold onto the table, chair, me. 
so happy with yourself after pulling up to stand
This severely limits my free time as I obviously have to stay close to you for when you will eventually topple.  You can however hold onto the ottoman and reach for the couch... so you get the walking concept.  You make this transition pretty smoothly about 80% of the time.  You have actually pulled up to a standing position twice all on your own.
The smirk- he would much rather play outside of the exersaucer than in it... go figure
  You can get in the crawling position and are an expert at shimmering backwards.  However, you have not yet grasped sitting up from a laying position, but I figure that will happen this  month and then WATCH OUT! 

One thing that is going great… knock on wood… is your sleeping.  You take 2 great naps a day and every now and again take a 3rd little cat nap.  You put yourself to sleep for every nap and at bedtime. If it wasn't for how great you sleep at night and nap during the day, I could go crazy, but thankfully you do and I don't.
Ready for church a couple weeks ago

You still occasionally wake up for a bottle around 5 but will always go back to sleep.  Speaking of bottles, I am still pumping... 4 times a day.  You have yet to have formula but that is probably due to the fact that you don't drink a lot so I can easily keep up.  The minimum amount you should take is 24 oz and will normally just squeeze that in.  You have 3 meals a day and often eat what we eat.  You are quite stubborn and when you have had enough, then there is no persuading you to continue.
Fisting spaghetti
You are still on the skinny side, but that is a pretty good place to be I guess.  I try not to worry about it because I know you are healthy but honestly, I would like to put a pound or two on you. 
You have the sweetest smile.  Rarely do you give a full on open mouth grin, it is normal just a subtle grin, but it is precious.  You grin a strangers that talk to you and then act shy and put your head on my chest.
The typical Bennett grin/ smirk
You loves your blankies and have a new favorite but still love the others as well.
You still enjoy your brothers but I will be honest, you are not all about them as they are you. 

You look so grown up here.

Cant believe how quickly this 8 months has gone by.  You are amazing and I LOVEyou sooo much kid!



1 comment:

  1. I LOVE his adorable little smirk smile! It's absolutely precious! I'm glad he's been a relatively easy baby and hope that continues. Can't believe he's already 8 months either! Maybe we can actually come for his 1st birthday!
