Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Beach Sunrise

What is about watching a sunrise at the beach?

My children gave me a precious gift Saturday morning... they woke up early and as a result, I woke up early. As I dragged myself out of bed, it was still relatively dark outside. Though cool, the boys and I went and sat out on the deck overlooking the ocean. It was then that I noticed the sun was starting to crest out of the ocean.

Of course, I ran back inside and grabbed my camera.

It has been along time since I have actually sat and watched the sun rise. It really is amazing! And I dont think I have ever actually taken pictures of it. I was amazed at how quickly the sun was up... I dont think it took me than 2 or 3 minutes. These pictures were pretty much taken in a rapid succession with just enough time in between for me to play around with the settings.

And to add to the Eucharisteo list

555- No quiet or still mornings

556- Looking out onto the ocean from 3 floors up

557- Color of the sky as sun pushes up

558- The speed at which night becomes day.

559- Daily seeing God's hands right in front of me

560- A beach house that is big enough

561- My marriage

562- Beach seafood and lots of shrimp

563- GrandpaGordie making the trip

564- GrandmaDean's faithful hand and example

565- Watching my grandparents pray together when they knew no one was watching

566- Matching bow ties

567- My parents taking care of the boys over the weekend

568- Funny dance moves

569- Pictures that say it all

570- Pulling up into our driveway

571- Teacher workdays at the perfect time

572- Getting a moment in the sand with the boys

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