Thursday, December 22, 2011

tooth numero dos and other things

First, I promise that I am not going to document every single tooth loss, but this is a cute one.

Hunter was eating a snack after dinner tonight and looked up at me with big eyes and said, "I lost my other tooth."  He had a whitish colored thing in his hand and handed it to me.  I look at it and tell him that is not his tooth and to open his mouth.  He opened and got to see the hole in his mouth where his tooth had come out... I also got to see a mouthful of crunched up Doritos.  I did not however see a tooth.  So, I guess he swallowed it with all the crunching of his chips.

It reminded me of the tooth I swallowed when I was eating corn on the cob at GrandmaDean and GrandpaGordie's house.  

  Here is his note to the toothfairy.  

He will be quite excited in the morning when he has a new chapter book of LarryBoy under his pillow.  :)
And just a cute Ashton story, he got paid $2 to pick up pine cones at mom and dads house today.  We stopped at Barnes and Noble to kill about 30 minutes and he promptly found a book to buy with his money and enthusiastically took his money and book to the front to pay.
And poor Sheppy has been running a fever for 2 days now.  Because of Christmas, I decided to take him to the doc today to rule out and ear infection.  Thankfully, no ear infection just the croup.  Hopefully he will start to feel better in the next couple days.

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