Monday, September 19, 2011

Forgotten Outing

I cant believe I forgot to post these pictures. About a month ago, we finally went to The Children's Museum. Aunt Sandee and Uncle Tommy had purchased tickets for Ashton's birthday last year. Welp, 10 months later, we went.

The boys had a great time. There were so many things for them to do.

Instead of me yammering about them, here are the pics.

They were quite wild with these foam blocks and scared off the other children ;)More block action
One of Hunter's favorites- The object was to get the bricks to the top and then it would come falling back down. He is getting help from his brothers

Ash doing his shopping. True to form, Hunt could have cared less about the shopping and was still in the climbing thing. Actually Ashton only did this part for a few minutes before he went back to climb.

Shep in the "grocery store"

A big part of the ground level is a HUGE water table. This was just the little baby one in the center.

This is the toddler's water table.

Shepherd's favorite... the balls.

One of Ashton's favorites... playing tic tac toe with a robot

Shepherd loved the blocks.

This "climbing thing" is right in the middle of the building. It looks like a piece of art but you can climb up. This was done multiple times!

A better picture of the climbing thing

We capped it off with lunch on the ground level which was really good! It was definitely a great few hours!


  1. So Anna and Zach....if you read this, just one more reason that y'all need to live in Greenville!
    This place is wonderful....and is right downtown!

  2. Looks like a great time. I can picture 5 little boys running around like wild in there.
