Monday, February 21, 2011

Beautiful Monday

... and we did not even leave the house.

It started with the boy's cousin, Charlee coming over for the morning since her daycare was closed today. They were so excited for her to come and they all had fun.
Group Shot
They played trains.
This pic cracks me up... this picture explains Ashton's and Shepherd's relationship

And played outside - rode power wheels, did laps around the yard, played with the baseball/ basketball, played on the playground.
The reason we need two power wheels.

Just went down the hill- turns out it is a bit steep.

Shep fussing because he wants a turn on the power wheels

Ashton and Shepherd's turn on the power wheels... so cute because Ash can barely see over Shep's head.

I did a good bit of yardwork today... pine needles, cutting back monkey grass, pulling weeds, and round upping.

Then after dinner, the boys hopped in the car and played. It took me back to RM days when Hunter and Ashton would want to play in the car ALL THE TIME.
Here are the car pics.

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