Tuesday, April 28, 2015


If you have been around this blog long at all, you know that I love my GrandmaDean.  This past Saturday, we got one over on her by throwing her a surprise birthday party for the BIG 80.  We kept it to immediate family, so her two daughters and their families.

After keeping it a secret for at least 6 weeks, we somehow pulled it off and totally surprised her.

There are just some people that easy and fun to be around.  They know what is important in life.  They know how to laugh at themselves and others.  They jump right in and get their hands dirty.  That is my GrandmaDean.  She is always good for a cup of coffee and listening ear.  I drop in on her unannounced quite often and love hanging out with her.  )


It was a great conclusion to a great day celebrating our GrandmaDean.  She acts more like she is 60 rather than 80.  She is a mother to 2, a grandma to 5, and a great grandma to soon to be 9 (and 2 of the grandkids dont even have kids yet).  She was married to my grandpa for well over 50 years and has been a great example to me of how to be a good wife.

The great grandsons. 
Hunter hung out with the adults the majority of the time... 

This is why Hunter hung out with the adults the majority of the time.  These 4 together are something else.  They are stair steps at the ages of 7, 6, 5, and 4.
Thankfully the rain did not come and we were able to banish them outside.
My mom and dad looking normal
My mom and dad looking like themselves.  My dad has a weird fetish with rosemary (the plant- ha),
Getting a gardening lesson from GrandmaDean.
Food time.
Here are the group shots.  We didnt have the full crew, my cousin Stephanie couldnt make it and my other cousin, Anthony had to take off early (but his wife and daughter stayed) so we didnt do a full group pic.

The group shot minus the great grandsons.
GrandmaDean with her greats.  Poor Spencer (my cousin's daughter) was a bit overwhelmed by us.  

GrandmaDean and her daughters. 

and one with spouses.
My brothers and me with the birthday girl.
We love you GrandmaDean!  Happy Birthday!


  1. What a sweet party for a sweet lady. I'm so glad I have gotten to know Grandma Dean. She's so funny and truly loves life. Great pictures too!

  2. Hahahaha - so funny that a picture is missing.....can't wait to read the explanation behind that post!
