Thursday, October 23, 2014

Curtain Farms

Shepherd's preschool took a field trip to a working beef farm this week.

If I understand correctly, this is the first year this farm has decided to do "tours" of their farm.  And it was so well done.  I learned a lot so I am sure that the kids got some cool stuff from it too.  Unlike some other pumpkin farm field trips, this one was set up to actually teach them about what happens in a farm while being very interactive and fun.
One of Shepherd's best buddies at school... Owen.
They had 4, 25 minute sessions. 
Session 1- Learning all about pumpkins.  When to plant them, how they grown, etc.  We got this lesson in the top of a hayloft.  And then finished it off with pumpkin muffins (which we all loved) and juice/ water.

Session 2- Tour of the animals.  They obviously have a ton of cows since that is their money maker.  They also had chickens, turkeys, horses, miniature horses, peacocks/ peahens, goats, pigs, and alpacas.  The alpacas were so cool (more on them later.)

Turkeys and Bennett

Amazed by the up close and personal cows.

The guide was so really sweet yet kept the kids in line.... feeding the horse apples.

Some of the alpacas.

Cows and B


Session 3-  A tractor hayride around the land.  The owner talked about how he bought the land and other interesting pieces of information.

On the hayride.  Bennett loved all the tractors.  He just wanted to turn back around and watch the tractor.

Attempt 1 of a group picture- FAIL

Attempt 2 at group picture- FAIL
Session 4- A weaving lesson.  Now, this was so cool.  The owner's wife actually shears her alpacas once a year. And then brushes out the wool/ fleece until smooth.  She recently bought a spinning wheel and then spins her own yarn from her alpacas.  Then she knits scarves and other cool pieces.  She had her spinning wheel out in the barn and showed us the whole process.  It was really cool and the kids actually enjoyed it too.  This session ended with the kids going over to a play area where there were games and a hay maze (which I did lose Bennett in for a couple minutes). 

Talking about the alpaca's fleece.

She is at the spinning wheel turning the fleece into yarn. 
I highly recommend this tour.  The people are great and it is fun and educational.


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