Sunday, February 3, 2013

Just a little update

"My computer" leaves for the week so I thought I would just give a quick update.

Ready to go to the basketball games.  Look at this beautiful stroller blanket t/ quilt that my friend Olivia made for Bennett.  Check out her craft blog... she is really good.  Thanks Liv, we love it!
Everyone is adjusting really well.  Thankfully, I have not really needed Chad at night to help with Bennett.  He is sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night before he needs to eat.  Worst case he is up for an hour after eating, but last night he fell right back asleep after both his night feedings (prayer that continues!).  As with my other babies he doesnt want to lay flat in a crib but sleeps great on or beside me or in his bouncy seat. 

 Nursing is going good.  His latch is definitely not perfect but my soreness is subsiding and I am not cracking so I am not overly concerned with the latch.  I think it will get better on its own as he gets better about controlling the flow.
Just chilaxin'

He is amazed by his brothers and is quite tolerant of their noise.  The older three are still just amazed by Bennett too.  They each request to hold him daily and he gets a ton of kisses and hugs and pats from them.
Shepherd holds "Baby Bennett"

Ashton held him like this forever!

and Hunter's turn

Just a cute picture of Shepherd

I am nervous for this upcoming week as Chad heads back to work and am on my own but thankfully I have been offered so much help that I doubt I can use everyone- plus we all know that I am not one to ever ask for help. 

We have had a couple outings. We attempted the park but Bennett stayed in the car with me while Chad and the other boys got out because it was just too cold and windy.   We also had our first officially outing (not counting the doctor's appt) to Hunter and Ashton's final basketball games of the season. 

Hunter, Ashton, Shep, and Chad got to go the circus on Saturday too.  Though I am not a fan of the circus (I feel so sorry for the animals... I would be closer to standing with PETA...hahaha), the boys really did have a great time.  PapaHub and Grandma treated them to the circus and then took them out to dinner.  Thanks guys!
Grandma walking in with 4 of the 6 grandkids

The boys totally captivated

sorry this is sideways... Bennett is ready to eat and I dont have time to fix it!  ;)

While they were out circussing, mom came over and deep cleaned my house to get it ready to put on the market.  I helped a bit, but she is was pretty insistent that I just chill.  Thanks mom!

Here are some pictures of my clean house... if only it stayed clean.

 So there it is... my weekly post.  Pray for me this week!  Plus, Bennett has his circumsion on Friday... for some reason, they do it in the doctor's office now so pray that goes well.

Ok, gotta go, Bennett is now screaming... at least I have my priorities in order... haha


  1. Hannah, Bennett is so cute. He looks really alert! You are a champion for posting again already. It just shows you got the mommy thing down. Please let me know how we can help. If the boys weren't hacking, we'd have been by already! But I do plan to bring down some food soon. I'll be in touch. Thanks for posting!

  2. Hannah, you do have the "mommy thing" down to a science. I sang to her Lady Madonna to her yesterday and she had all four of them gathered around her. Her house is so rewarding to clearn because you get instant gratification....until the kids come back home! ;) It's all good, they are with you for such a short time!

  3. My word....I'm on major pain killers for my post is a mess!
