Monday, May 26, 2014

Shepherd's Funnys

In honor of Shepherd's half birthday last weekend...

Some people have a child that is just quirky funny.  They don't mean to be funny and many people don't recognize their odd humor but in our family, in my world, we value such humor.... and its a good thing.

Though all the boys say funny things, Shepherd continually tops the cake.  This is the best and easiest way for me to keep a record of it.  Enjoy! 

The day after Easter

Shep- "Did you buy eggs at the store?"

Me- "No"

Shep-  "I want to kill some eggs again."

Hunter looks at me horrified.  After a few moments, I bust out laughing when I realize he wanted to "dye" eggs again.  Once I explained to Hunter, he immediately went to giving Shepherd a very serious talk about the difference between "die" and "dye."

Outside with sidewalk chalk he writes this.
    Shepherd liks mom.

Obviously, he meant "Shepherd likes mom."  Ashton immediately corrected him.

Shep:  mommy, can I see your hammer?
Me:  Why?
Shep: Oh, I am just going to fix your car.

*** He also recently got my hammer and a nail and nailed it into the wall behind the den curtains.

Shep:  Mommy, in the book that I am making, your power is to shoot out farts and you can think really good.

Walking out of Hobby Lobby
Shep:  I know almost all things
Me- about what?
Shep: You know, about things.

Shep:  Hunter, can I touch your lizard?
(ha, maybe Chad and I have our minds in the gutter, but we both laughed out loud)
Explanation- Hunter "bought" a purple sticky lizard thing at his school market and very simply Shepherd wanted to hold it.

Shep:  Do I pee in this yard (point to backyard) or that yard (front yard)
 *** He has been told he can only pee in the backyard and for some reason, this bright child can not keep it straight.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand word.  How could I post about Shepherd and not at least mention poop?  Yes, he spray painted dog poop with orange spray paint.

All of these happened in just a one week time frame.

Shepherd has always made me melt.  He continues to be quirky and smart.  He still loves puzzles and coloring and reading with me and music.  He has hair that I am absolutely envious of and a smile that can work a room.... not to mention gives that best hugs... seriously, he is liking hugging a bear cub.

Only 6 more months until he is 5!  Wow!

Love you my poppa tarda (a nickname that we use on eachother and yet another example of his our quirkiness.)


  1. awww, how I miss that little guy! He is so precious!

  2. Hannah, I think the funniest part about the orange spots in the yard is that your dad noticed them and wondered what they were!
