Friday, April 25, 2014

Bennett at 15 months

This age rocks!  Seriously, most days this kid is a total ham and is hysterical.  He marches around the house like he owns the joint. 

He makes a bunch of sounds and grunts to get his way.  He has a handful of words that he can say and will try to repeat words.  He understands almost all simple commands that I give him like "lets go outside" "find your shoes"  "where is (name someone in family)", etc.
Just want to pinch him.

loves to be outside and will occupy himself with minimal assistance for an hour or so. 
At Shep's soccer practice happy as a lark
loves to unwind toilet paper and then tear it up in tiny pieces
Big piece of toilet paper turns into itty bitty tiny pieces.
loves his blanket... but just the white one now.
Out cold waiting on me to make his lunch

3 of the 4 boys have chewed on their blankets just like this.  Bennett's blanket though is really thick, I don't know how he does it.
loves to blow spit bubbles... the more you laugh or tell him to stop, the funnier it becomes and the more he drools/ bubbles.

loves riding the "tractor".  When we go outside, he goes straight to the "tractor house".  I ride it with him at least every other day if not every day. 

loves to play in the dishwasher and will automatically go for the knives
yep, this is what he does
loves... to still... put legos in my mouth.  He does this to bother his father who freaks out when he does it.

loves pushing his wagon around the yard.  He seriously does this for 30 minutes at a time.

love ME!

loves to play with cars and scoot them around the house.

loves to look at books but moves through them very quickly.

loves his brothers.  They just roll around on the floor together or jump on the trampoline etc.
Brotherly love!

speaking of, loves the trampoline too. 

loves to eat- his faves are spaghetti, mac n cheese, yogurt, ice cream sandwiches. still not a big drinker but give him one of his favorites and the eating display is on.
Anxiously awaiting the cookies.

has the best mischievous smile

What we don't like...
-started hitting me and he gets told "no" and more recently will get a little pop on his hand.  If it doesn't stop soon, then a leg pop might be in order.

- super opinionated about everything.  Considering how laid back he was a year ago, he has done a complete 180 and is quite a busy body.

-cutting teeth.  Though he is not awful, I can definitely tell when he has some teeth coming through.  Right now, he is cutting 5 of them. Once those 5 come through, he will have 13.

-shots.  He had his 15 month check and got 3 shots.  So far, a low grade fever has been the only side effect. 
Speaking of his appt. 
His stats are..
Weight- 20.8 (18%)... moving up! haha
Height= 31" (44%)
Head- (74%)
He is wearing 12-18 month clothes for the most part even though he can still wear 9-12 month on the bottom but can wear 18-24 month up top.  Obviously he was small, short legs compared to his top half.
Look at the boy.. and that little dimple.
You are my love.  You melt my heart with your smile and the little dimple on your right cheek.
I still look at you, and your brothers, in absolute awe... the God would entrust you to me.  Stay awesome!

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