Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Soccer and a Play

The past week or so has been pretty packed with things to do almost every night. 

1- Soccer season is in full swing and all 3 older boys are playing.  Hunt and Ash are again on the same team.  Hunter will have to move to U10 in the fall.
*** There are not a ton of pics because, honestly, I get to involved in the game to remember to whip out the camera. 
Hunter (9) and Ashton (4) preparing for throw in

Though small, he backs down from no one!

 Shepherd is also playing his first season of organized sports.

Shepherd about to take the goal kick

I guess I will go ahead and record what I told Shepherd after his first game since most people find it amusing. 
Shepherd was a bit flighty during his game.  But, that is not a surprise because, well, Shepherd is flighty. 
After his game, I told him we were going to work on 3 things for the next game.
First, do not put your hands in your mouth.
Second., stop holding your wiener.
Third, do not pick your nose (in his defense, he was not really digging in his nose, but rubbing, picking AT his nose, regardless, it was annoying)
Ashton also established a rule for Shepherd to follow.... Just Listen!
An example of rule #2 being broken.

I am happy to report that the 2nd game showed a huge improvement, not only did he not do those 3 things but he actually chased after the ball.

2- Hunter had a cute little school performance on Earth Day.  He is right smack tab in the middle of the top row... obviously he is a tall one.  It was a cute little performance.

The 2nd grade

Hunt and me after the performance.

Hunter's performance and Shep's first soccer game fell at the same time on the same day.  So, Chad and I had to do our first official split... I know it will be the first of many, many, many, tag team efforts.  Hunter and I snuck out after the 2nd grade performance and got to catch the last part of Shepherd's game. :)  Just enough time to establish the 3 rules above.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Bennett at 15 months

This age rocks!  Seriously, most days this kid is a total ham and is hysterical.  He marches around the house like he owns the joint. 

He makes a bunch of sounds and grunts to get his way.  He has a handful of words that he can say and will try to repeat words.  He understands almost all simple commands that I give him like "lets go outside" "find your shoes"  "where is (name someone in family)", etc.
Just want to pinch him.

loves to be outside and will occupy himself with minimal assistance for an hour or so. 
At Shep's soccer practice happy as a lark
loves to unwind toilet paper and then tear it up in tiny pieces
Big piece of toilet paper turns into itty bitty tiny pieces.
loves his blanket... but just the white one now.
Out cold waiting on me to make his lunch

3 of the 4 boys have chewed on their blankets just like this.  Bennett's blanket though is really thick, I don't know how he does it.
loves to blow spit bubbles... the more you laugh or tell him to stop, the funnier it becomes and the more he drools/ bubbles.

loves riding the "tractor".  When we go outside, he goes straight to the "tractor house".  I ride it with him at least every other day if not every day. 

loves to play in the dishwasher and will automatically go for the knives
yep, this is what he does
loves... to still... put legos in my mouth.  He does this to bother his father who freaks out when he does it.

loves pushing his wagon around the yard.  He seriously does this for 30 minutes at a time.

love ME!

loves to play with cars and scoot them around the house.

loves to look at books but moves through them very quickly.

loves his brothers.  They just roll around on the floor together or jump on the trampoline etc.
Brotherly love!

speaking of, loves the trampoline too. 

loves to eat- his faves are spaghetti, mac n cheese, yogurt, ice cream sandwiches. still not a big drinker but give him one of his favorites and the eating display is on.
Anxiously awaiting the cookies.

has the best mischievous smile

What we don't like...
-started hitting me and he gets told "no" and more recently will get a little pop on his hand.  If it doesn't stop soon, then a leg pop might be in order.

- super opinionated about everything.  Considering how laid back he was a year ago, he has done a complete 180 and is quite a busy body.

-cutting teeth.  Though he is not awful, I can definitely tell when he has some teeth coming through.  Right now, he is cutting 5 of them. Once those 5 come through, he will have 13.

-shots.  He had his 15 month check and got 3 shots.  So far, a low grade fever has been the only side effect. 
Speaking of his appt. 
His stats are..
Weight- 20.8 (18%)... moving up! haha
Height= 31" (44%)
Head- (74%)
He is wearing 12-18 month clothes for the most part even though he can still wear 9-12 month on the bottom but can wear 18-24 month up top.  Obviously he was small, short legs compared to his top half.
Look at the boy.. and that little dimple.
You are my love.  You melt my heart with your smile and the little dimple on your right cheek.
I still look at you, and your brothers, in absolute awe... the God would entrust you to me.  Stay awesome!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter part 2

From Friday to Easter Sunday we spent the time with my family.
Watching a movie on the ipad before church.
Both my brothers and their families were there.  GrandmaDean was also able to come down on Saturday.

We were also able to meet up with Jodi and her family at McD's to celebrate Connor's 5th birthday.  We are going to miss his party next Saturday because of soccer games so we wanted to get together even if only for a little bit.

While at mom and dads, we had a great time.  Unfortunately the weather was awful on Saturday but the kids didn't seem to mind and loved their time together.  I love how well they all get along especially as they get older.  We also took some time to dye eggs in the garage.  Nolan was right, dying eggs is much more enjoyable when done outside but the garage had to do the job because of the rain.  It was chaotic but Bennett LOVED it... as did the other 5.

Everyone taking turns.

Bennett was quite upset when the dying was over.
Not bad for a 6 boys 8 and under.
Mom also did Easter baskets... they were adorable.  The boys tore into them. 
A bunch of baskets
A side note, Chad and I gave the boys their Easter baskets from us on Palm Sunday.  It was like a mini Christmas between all 3 Easter baskets.... I stressed over and over again the REAL reason we celebrate Easter... the resurrection of our King.  I know Hunter and Ashton get the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection so I don't feel guilty about the fluff that we add to Easter. 
The baskets I did... new shoes for all. :)

Saturday night, the boys gave us another "performance" in the basement.  Each kid had a turn... it was awful and hysterical.  From Ashton doing violent somersaults on the concrete, to Caelum with his tennis racket guitar, it was a hoot. 
Owen stayed on the piano "playing" the majority of the time.

The other boys did this...

The audience

We did Easter dinner on Saturday as everyone had to head back home on Sunday, but it was a delicious dinner.
YUMMY... stuffed (with GrandmaDeans dressing) pork loin
Sunday, after church, we grabbed a quick bite and then did Easter egg hunts with the dyed eggs we did on Saturday.

Ashton is off and running.

My Essie girl.  so cute in her little bonnet. 

Such a goof ball.

 And of course, no Easter would be complete without an absurd number of family pictures... I posted these on facebook but here they are again.
The group shot.  Pretty good. 

My family

The boys and their cousins.

The "A" clan

The "S" clan

My brother, Zach, and his sweet family
My other brother, Nolan, and his sweet doggie, Riggs. Such a good picture. :)

Mantis and Queenie with the grandkids and one granddog
Thanks mom and dad for the fun (deep discussions), the food, and fellowship.  We love you!
It was a quick 4 days with our families. We left feeling so blessed that we have such great families.  We left feeling blessed that we are Redeemed. 

Thank you Jesus!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter part 1

We rotate with mine and Chad's family for Easter.  My family had the actual day this year so the first two nights we spent with Chad's parents.  We stayed Wednesday night and Thursday night.

It was pretty laid back especially since Chad had just had his snip surgery.  It was a good place for him to just to relax. 

We all had a really nice visit. 

Grandma did GINORMOUS Easter baskets and boys loved tearing into them. I hate I didn't get a picture of them.  They love their new pajamas and all the other fun toys/ book/ etc that Grandma and Papa Hub gave them.

The weather was nice while we were there so we had Easter egg hunts...

... and we played down by the creek on their "creek" swing.  The first time we went down, 5 of the 6 kiddos were down there but I was the only adult so I couldn't get any pictures but I got a lot the next day, unfortunately Charlee and Sami were not there. But here are some from Friday.  It was much less stressful with one adult per kid- haha.


Ashton- He would swing ALL DAY LONG if I let him


Bennett- Look how far he wondered off in the 2nd picture

And here is one to proof that I was indeed there.  :)

Grandma had a craft to do with the boys... and girls. 
Bennett was there for moral support.  Though he can scribble on paper, he didn't get the concept of the markers in between felt.  Look at Sami just cheesin' it- funny girl

We had plans to go to Charlee's soccer game on Saturday where I was going to get a better group picture but rain set in Friday night and messed up my plans.
Because of the cancelled game, this is the best picture I got.  Crazy to think that by Thanksgiving there will be another little one in the mix! Yay! (Obviously not from us... Sandee, who swore that 2 was it, is pregnant with #3!- so excited for another little niece or nephew)
Hub did his delicious steaks one night and we had glass Dr Peppers!  :)

Thanks Hub and Patsy for a great visit.  We all left full and happy!