Monday, November 18, 2013

It's All About My Shep

Four years since I first saw you.  Four years since I fell madly in love with you.

My surprise child who is still surprising me all the time.  You continue to be a hoot saying and doing the funniest things.  The flip side of that is you dont think about things before you say them or do them.  It gets us into trouble at times.  For example, you called Ashton "Gum Ash" the other day... but it didnt quite sound like that at all because of "g" sounding  like "d" and the "Ash" sounding like another word.  You have these kind of things happen to you every day!

My goodness... is he not the cutest thing?
You continue to have your head high in the clouds and are normally ten steps behind me.  You have started reading and love to do your "School lesson" and "Reading lesson" every day.  You love to write letters and color and draw.  Legos have become the toy of choice and you still love a good puzzle.

Love you my joy filled child!  You cant see it here but I am practically wrestling him to get this picture. 
I love staying home with you and getting to love on you and play with you all day.

Shepherd, you are truly my sunshine.  Remember to make good decisions.  Think about things before you do them. Dare to be different and dont always follow the crowd.  Oh, and for crying out loud, dont pick your nose in public, keep your pants on, and flush after you poop.

Today, we kept it simple.  We opened presents this morning before the older two went to school.  Shep, Bennett, and I went out for lunch.  He requested chips and cheese (Mexican).   I have built my share of Lego kits in the past 36 hours.

Birthday Dinner
 The Brothers at dinner

 Shepherd wanted steaks for dinner so Chad grilled and then we had doughnut in a cake shape for dessert. He had a great day and was all smiles!


This was Shepherd's year for the big birthday party and he chose the zoo.  So, we headed down to our old stomping grounds and got back together with our old friends and both families.
I think this had all the kids minus the toddlers/ babies. Jackson is in the back, on the bear is Ashton, Connor, Owen, Shepherd, Caelum, Hunter, Karson,  Front is Charlee.  Not pictured are toddlers, Will and Sami and babies Bennett and Esme

My 4 year old boy!

Connor, Ashton, Shepherd, Jackson, Hunter, and Karson pause for a quick shot

This is TROUBLE!!!! Shep, Owen, Ashton, and Connor
It was a perfect day with the perfect people and good food.
Lego cake

Blowing out candles

Shepherd had a great time seeing his buddies.
Me with my two babies

Thank you to those that came for not only the gifts but just for showing how much you  love Shepherd.  You all have played such an important part in molding who is in becoming.
They crashed on the way home.
PS- Thanks again Leah for giving us 3 guest passes to the zoo (I forgot mine).
PSS- Thanks again to my mom for missing the zoo portion and being in charge of the food.
PSS- Thanks to GrandmaDean for giving Shep's hair a much needed trim before we came up.  I was nervous I was going to botch it

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweet boy! 
 Keep loving life and loving Jesus!


  1. Happy Birthday Shep! Can't believe you are 4! Wish we could have joined you at the zoo!

  2. Yes, Shep does come up with some hysterically funny comments.....he called Mantis a "Purse" on the way to Toys R Us - of course, we all know what it sounded like....I laughed so hard my mouth hurt and Mantis told me I was teaching him bad habits....which made it that much funnier! Ole Shep is a unique one and I love him!
