Saturday, April 20, 2013

This past week flew by.  2 more weeks and we will close on the house.  Hard to believe!  I am trying to pack a couple boxes every day.  Chad took yesterday off work and came home to help me.  We got a good bit done and I am confident that we will be ready to load it up come May 4.

Here are just a couple of other pictures from the week...

My little world

my word... that is all I have to say about that face
I was folding laundry a couple days ago and Bennett was in the family room in his bouncy seat.  I hear Shepherd say, "mommy wook, I can hold Bennett." I quickly drop the laundry I am folding and sure enough big Shep has picked Bennett up out of his bouncy seat and is standing there holding him.  He was so excited that I didnt want to get onto him but I did make it clear that next time he needs to come and get me if he wants to pick Bennett up.  :)
so busy playing with his toys

Eating outside

This past week was and half has been fun.  The boys have been great.  Bennett has actually had a couple fussy days, but the past 4 days has been a dream. He has  not only been good but been smiling and laughing a bit more.  He makes my heart melt.

We have had a couple playdates with Leah and her boys and Jodi and Connor.  I really must remember to bring my camera next time.  Though we will miss them, I am sure that we will still see eachother when I make runs down here.

Last Friday we went up to mom and dads as did Zach, Anna, and the cousins.  We had a great dinner at Mellow Mushroom and then went to part of a Clemson baseball game.  Unfortunately we couldnt stay long as it was already late but the boys had fun.
This is what happens when the phone on your camera sucks.  But it is proof that we were at the game

Saturday morning we had the boys soccer game.  They had a pretty large fan base as Mantis, Queenie, Grandma, and Zach, Anna, Owen, and Caelum came.  The boys played good and won whiel each snagging goal.
Picture day.

My boys running together

Owen and Shep

This stroller occupied them for an entire half

Owen- getting so big

Mantis in his Avenger shirt which was a gift from the boys for his birthday.  I to so tickled when I saw him with it on.

Right after the game we went to Mr. Connor's 4th birthday party.  Ol' Connor has become so precious to us and while at first did not like Bennett at all has really warmed up to him and will stroke his hand and gently pat his head.  We all joke that Bennett is the guinea pig for Connor as he is getting a new cousin in May.  Anyway, the party was great.
Happy Birthday Connor!

Just because I love running all over place, we decided last minute to go back up to mom and dads and catch part of Clemson's spring game.  Once we got to moms, everyone was pretty tired and decided not to go... that is until it was apart over and we all (minus dad, Hunter, and Bennett) load up in the van and head to game- only to discover it was just over.  We, instead, went to the lake and the let O, C, A, and S run around for a bit.  We convinced Mom and Owen to cross a squishy, wet path and join the rest of us.
The lake crew

So purty

Zeus and Owen and Sheppy making their way

Another cool picture

 Molly also had a birthday this week. On Tuesday, Miss Molly turned 11!  We have had her for 9 years and she is just such an amazing dog.  She has definitely gotten more ornery in her age but we love her dearly.
The pink icing did not show up

Singing Happy Birthday to Molly
Chad, Bennett, and I are heading up to look at houses today. The boys soccer game got moved back and we already have appts to look at houses so thankfully mom was able to come by and pick them up.  They spent the night with Mantis and Queenie last night and will tonight too.  Thanks mom and dad for keeping them for us. I will update on the house hunt.

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