Saturday, March 2, 2013

One Month and Counting

Just to defend myself... I wrote this post out on Bennett's actual one month (on Monday), but apparently, the iPad will not post on blogger.  If it can, I dont know how to...

Anyway,  can you believe Bennett is already one month old.  He was 5 weeks yesterday and continues to be, in the words of my mom, a God-wink.  He is such a joy of a baby.
The past 2 weeks, he has pretty consistantly been going a six hour stretch at night, eating, then going back down for another 2 or 3 hours. 

Full baby face :)
The older three still just adore Bennett and the feeling is mutual.  I am amazed at how after awhile he will begin to fuss on me., I will just lay him beside one or all the boys and he will be so content. 
Though I look rough... Hunter took this sweet picture of me loving on Bennett
He had his one month appt on Monday too.  He is gaining weight steadily weighing in at 9.11 on Monday so he is easily over 10 lbs now.  Plus, the past day or two he seems to be eating more so maybe a small growth spurt.  He is totally out of newborn clothes and is starting to get little rolls on his legs.

He doesnt fuss much.  I noticed last night that he had not fussed or cried one time all day.  He did make up for it today though and was a bit fussier than normal but he was also out of his little routine with Chad being home and the boys being a bit more noisy.

Even fussin' he is just adorable
Chad gave him his first bottle last weekend too.  He did pretty good with it.  I have since attempted to give him a bottle and he doesnt much like the idea of me giving him the bottle, he more or less plays with it.  Oh well...I guess nursing is easier and more convenient anyway.
Getting the hang of the bottle from daddy
Chad feeding Bennett last Sunday

Bennett loves to be lightly swaddled at night, however he does NOT want his arms in the swaddle because he likes to sleep like this....
Bennett's preferred resting position... I adore it!

As promised, I took his comparison one month picture. (look Liv, I remembered)

1 month shot (left) compared to 2nd day home from hospital (right)

here is another 1 month shot but with straight legs
Cant wait for this next month and getting to see the "real" smiles from Bennett.  I think he has actually smiled at me a time or two but I cant wait to see him interact with us more.  When he is awake, he is soooo alert and active.  He tracks us really well so I am sure he that more smiles are just around the corner.

I will try to post an update post tomorrow so check back!


  1. I don't think you can post from the iPad. I tried last night but had to go to the computer to actually post. And yeah for the comparison pic! He's grown so much already. Miss u guys!

  2. I really can attest to the fact that Bennett seldom cries - it is such a rarity that Ashton was holding him at my house a week or so ago and Bennett started crying. I went over to "rescue" the poor child, and Ashton retorted, "weave him, I wike when Bennett cwies."
    It is so much fun in Hannah's house - I mean NEVER a dull moment!
