Saturday, May 19, 2012

More Teeth or Should I say Less?

What a great week!  We just got back from a week long beach trip with my family.  I will be posting about our trip thoughout the week so check back.

I just wanted to pop on here and say that we are back, safe and sound and slightly tan.

Though we were all sure that Hunter would lose his super loose front top tooth at the beach, the little sucker held tight until after we got home today.

While eating a pop tart, it fell out.  The new tooth has already started pusing though.  About 40 minutes later, Ashton and Hunter were wrestling on the bed when Ash kicked Hunter in the face which resulted in the other semi-loose tooth to fall out.  Ashton was upset at first until Hunter started dancing around the house that he was now going to get 2 presents.... Needless to say, I had to make a quick Wal Mart run for a toothfairy gift that is good enough for not one, but two teeth!


  1. He looks so old! I forgot you were at the beach. Call me sometime next week and we'll catch up!

  2. Old is a kind word to describe the look!!! Hannah forgot to report that he swallowed the 2nd one!
