Friday, November 18, 2011

I two

Two years ago I looked at you for the first time.  I smiled. 

That smile has turned into many more smiles and loads of laughter.  You are the funniest little boy.   We definitely laugh a lot.

I love the way you have been saying “I  2” for the past 4 weeks.

I love it when you walk up to me with a book and say “riiide it.”  Which translated means “read it.”

I love it when I am holding you and you grab my face and squish into your face.

I love how you say “thank you” about everything…. A little Eucharisteo boy in the making.

I love your bear hugs and sweet kisses.

I love watching you play cars and hearing your current favorite phrase “I pay cars” which you say very quickly and matter of factly.

I love watching you eat, you have my love of food.

I love Tuesday and Thursday mornings with you- just us two.

I love how easy it is to turn your bad moods into good moods.  You are a happy kid.

I love your pigeon toed/ bow legged walk/ run

I love the little gap in between your two front teeth.

I love it when people tell me how much you look like me b/c I think you are pretty darn cute.

I love talking to you.  After we carry on a conversation, I am always amazed by how much you understand and how well you can communicate back to me.

I love that I have been able to stay at home with you.   Moments I missed with your brothers, I have seen with you.  However, I also realize that there is no one else to blame but me for your flaws (yes, you do have some… ex, screaming, defiance, dumping cups upside down that still have drinks in them, throwing hard objects at your brothers, and biting Ashton)

I love your independence.  You always want to get out of the car by yourself and when you jump out, you tell me “I jump very higher.”

I love it when you get out of the bathtub by yourself and I see you running down the hall leaving water drops all along the way.

I love hearing you sing.  My current favorite is “You Don’t Always Get What You Want" but I also like hearing you sing your ABC's.

This is you singing "You Don't Always Get What You Want" which is Mantis' spin off of The Rolling Stones, "You Cant Always Get What You Want."

Transalation;  You dont always get what you want.  But if you try real hard, you get what you need.

I love the way you suck on your blanket like Hunter did- it takes me back. 

I love the way you call your blanket “Kiss.”  You will walk around saying “Where Kiss, I want Kiss.” 

I love hearing you talk about all your cars.  You truly love them and will fight at the drop of a hat if your brothers try to take them from you. 

I love the way you keep up with your brothers.  When they are outside tackling each other, you don’t bat an eye on jumping in on the action.  You are going to be tough- that is for sure.

I love hearing you pray.  You start with the first couple lines of the Lord’s Prayer and then move into just saying your family member’s names.  It is precious.

I love the way you are still a momma’s boy.  Your daddy will come home and you greet him enthusiastically, but run straight back to me.

Shep, I love you.  You are always my little boy.  Your baby time is basically  over-  man, time goes by so quickly- and I have cherished every second of it. 
Little boy, I pray for you- that God’s plan for you will lead to extraordinary things for His kingdom.  And remember to always “seek first the kingdom of God.”  If you seek His ways, then all else will fall into place.

Happy Birthday sweet boy.

Love you forever,


  1. Happy Birthday Shep. What a sweet smile. Wish I could have been there to celebrate in person.

    Han, we should talk sometime soon. Maybe I'll call once my boys wake up and O can wish Shep a happy birthday.

  2. Hannah,
    What a legacy you have left behind in words - Shep will always know that he has been blessed with a loving mother!
    We enjoyed keeping the boys Friday night and celebrating his birthday today - He is a great kid....aren't you glad that the Lord saw it in His plan to bless you with the unexpected?
