Monday, December 20, 2010

Hunter's Party and Stuff

... busy today. We have had Hunt't 5 year old well child check up scheduled for a couple months, so off we went this morning. He did great... quick finger prick, weight and height check, and the normal stuff. The big surprise is that he has an ear infection! He has woken up 2 of the last 3 night crying and saying his ear hurt. He hasn't had an ear infection, that required antibiotics, since before he got tubes in Feb of 2007. So, you may be wondering how you get a child who doesnt take medicine to take antibiotics... turns out if you mix it in Dr Pepper it tastes like cherry flavored Dr Pepper.

His stats: Weight- 46.6 lb (84%) Height- 45.75" (94%)

Hunt and I then finished up my Christmas shopping. Came home, dropped Hunter off and then went to the grocery store and took Shep. Shep has been sooooo fussy the past 3 weeks, snotty nose, wet cough, not sleeping great- so he was a bear at the store so I called the doctor and got him in for this afternoon. And, back to Gville we go. His prognosis was not ear infection but a probable sinus infection. So, antibiotics for him too.... thankfully, he takes it easily.

Now let me add, I HATE ANTIBIOTICS... I don't overuse them at all. In fact, I try to have my kids fight off ear infections and the like on their own before immediately going to the drugs, but with Christmas right around the corner and the fact it has been so long since either has had drugs, and Shep having been fighting for this for already 3 weeks, I decided to go ahead and use them. Hope it works!

Now for the fun stuff... We had Hunter's party on Saturday. We kept it simple- had doughnuts at our house, opened presents, then headed over to The Rat's house (aka- Chuck E Cheese) to play for a bit, we then ate lunch with both sides of the family at Jason's Deli. It was simple and a lot of fun.

Here are some pics from his actual birthday and his party.
His birthday
Eating his un-iced cupcake... he is a strange one
Opening presents
His big gift was the comic DVD's of Larry Boy. He was quite excited to get them all
Blurry but the only picture I have of me and him from his party or his birthday... that is what happens when you are the solo photog
His Party

Blowing out the candles on the doughnut "cake"
Present time- he got... a science kit, K5 workbooks, camera, clothes, Thomas playset, and money

Chuck E Cheese
*** Notice the majority of these pictures--- it is the adults playing

PapaHub, Grandma, and Ashton

Mantis- turns out he is not quite as good as he remembers

PapHub, also, not as good as he remember and Chad

Grandma watches as Ashton cheats

Queenie had Shep duty

Grandma helping Charlee while Aunt Sandee watches

Queenie and Shepherd racing

Mantis, Ashton, and Chad

Grandma helping Hunter get that horse moving

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