Thursday, July 24, 2014


Holla!  Look at this fresh, new look on the blog.

In honor of Bennett's 18 month birthday tomorrow, I wanted to officially add him to the blog header... better late than never, right???   : /

Big thanks to my dear friend Olivia who updated the blog for me.  She does such a good job- all I had to do was send her the pics and she hooks me up! 

Let me also give her a plug here... she has a craft blog and makes and sales some really cool things.
Check her stuff out here.

Thank you so much Liv!  Love ya girl!!!


  1. Aw, thanks! Anything for you :) Thanks for the shout out! I'm working on getting an Etsy shop up and running!

  2. Olivia,
    You are awesome! So grateful that you sought Hannah's friendship. The blog refresher is classy - and yes, long overdue....but, hey, it's worth the wait!
