Friday, June 15, 2012

School's Out for the Summer... and a half Birthday!

Finally, June 14th- the last day of school.  Our school district started late due to 4 new high schools being built in our district... this led to the late dismissal date.  The last 2 or 3 weeks of school have been, basically, a joke.  Very little work completed, many movies watched, but I cant blame them... who wants to be in school in the middle of June?!?!
Hunter received the Best Character award in his class.

Yesterday, my Hunter bug turned 6.5!  This also makes 1/3 of my time with him complete (before he graduates from high school)... that just doesnt seem right.  He is seriously an amazing kid.  A bit of whiner but that is probably his biggest fault... not too bad.  He is becoming such a great helper.  He still gives me tons of hugs and kisses and is just a super sweet kid.  This summer, he is going to start taking on a few chores like helping unload the dishwasher and take out trash. 

My newest funny Hunter moment is a phrase that I guess he heard at school, "I'm sexy and I know it".  He has been saying it while playing games on the computer after he has done something good (so I dont think he gets what he is saying.)  Also, when he says it, it sounds like this, "I'm sixy and I know it."  haha, he is sixy so I guess I am just going to let it go for know. 

To celebrate the half birthday, Hunt, Ash, Shep, and I went to see Madagascar 3 at the theater.  It was a cute movie- for me a welcomed reprieve from the Super hero world that has overtaken my house, my thoughts, and my world.  The Afro Circus was a nice break from super heroes!
Getting ready for the movie.

Totally captivated

Loving the video games.. turned out to be close to impossible to pull the younger two away from them.

So, a great morning and afternoon.  When Chad got home, we had brownies to celebrate. 

Happy 1/2 Birthday Hunter!  I love you kiddo and I am so proud that you did such an amazing job in kindergarten. 

- I should note that I forgot to post about Shepherd's 1/2 birthday because we were at the beach.  Sorry Shep Shep.... maybe I will give you a post a bit later.  :)

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