First, we flew a kite. Wow! I cant tell you how long it has been since I have flown a kite and honestly, it was just as much fun as I remember. It was pretty windy today and I happened on two kites that I bought the boys a couple years ago. I got them dirt cheap and totally forgot about them stuffed back in Chad's closet. I only got one of them out knowing it would turn into quite a mess with two.
After a few attempts, Hunter was just as good at flying the kite as I was (I am not saying that I am good just that Hunter picked up on it quickly). Ashton didnt do too bad either. Shep wasn't all that impressed.
Second, Hunter received a Science Kit for his birthday (I can see Matt and Olivia smile). Though Johnny made fun of Aunt Joan for giving it to Hunter, it was quite fun. I must admit I made an observation about my children today. Hunter is going to be the English person... the reader (I think most of us knew this). He really did not care much about our experiment and observations. But, Ashton is going to love science. He was ALL ABOUT this science stuff... wanting to touch everything, asking questions. He was adorable.
Basically, the kit deals with colors. We even made little "crystals."
The "crystals" started off like the ones on the wallet but after an hour in our colored water... wahla (is that how you spell that- I dont think so).
As you can tell by what he wrote- we did this one together. I did the tree and grass, he did the rest.
Ashton loves the Power Wheels. Hunter really loves his bike and Power Wheels equally. But ol' Ashton L O V E S to ride around and around and around the house and get back in the woods on the Power Wheels.
And, Shepherd... loves tampons. What can I say- almost daily I am having to pick them up in my bathroom. Weird child.
What can I say- I am a proud mommy... From coloring, to Power Wheel riding to tampon finding... my kids are quite skilled! :)
A couple extra pics.
Major LOL-ing at the tampons, because my boys did the same thing as toddlers. They are in a bathroom cabinet (of course) and they have both been guilty of pulling them all out. Around here they are called "girl stuff" because I don't need Hunter going to pre-school telling his classmates that over the weekend he played with Mommy's tampons ;)