... encouraging Shepherd to walk for the past couple months, but he didnt quite have the confidence. A couple days after Christmas, he decided he was ready. Though he still prefers crawling if he is in a hurry, I have no doubt that by the end of the month, crawling will be close to obselete (which kind of makes me sad... I love watching babies crawl).
I have video of him walking but I have not been able to load video to blogger for months now (if anyone has any idea why, please let me know)... so pictures will have to suffice.
Shepherd continues to be a funny little boy. He is a motor mouth. He "sings" in the car often. He is always talking about balls, dogs, choo choos, juice, bite (snack). It is funny that with those 5 words he can effectively communicate with us. He sleeps with his blue Clemson blanket (I have to get a couple more of those things) and a monkey that he found in his brothers' closet a couple months ago.
His main flaw right now is hitting/ smacking in the face. He does this to everyone if you dont give him what he wants or if you are just getting on his nerves. I have had to start popping him for it as he was quite defiant about it. He hasnt hit me in the face in a few days now so hopefully that is over.
I also didnt mention a couple weeks ago that I officially cut his hair. He has a semi- big boy haircut now which makes him look like a little boy and not as much like a baby.
He is still a great eater and loves fruit. Though he is not a big vegi lover, he devoured 3 heaping spoonfuls of peas last night. He loves meat. It is nice to have a child that if they are hungry, then they will eat what you put in front of them. Ashton is also like this. We are still slowly trying to get Hunter to eat different food (I really screwed up with him). Oh well, live and learn.
I know this post is kind of all over the place but it was been a while (I lost the battery charger for my good camera so I havent been able to take pics- I ordered a new one yesterday so hopefully when I get it the posting will pick back up. My small camera is semi broken as I dropped it over Christmas).
EDIT- I just got word, through Anna's blog, that she is probably getting close to baby time. I dont think she will care if I post this but Zach said that contractions will be kind of consistent then taper off again, but regardless, I would be surprised if she made it to the weekend. So, please say a quick prayer for Anna as she does this labor and delivery stuff without drugs (Crazy crazy girl) and say a prayer for this precious baby! YAY! I love babies!
Oh my gosh! He looks like he is about two in that picture! I'm glad that he is walking now. Luke is still holding out on crawling. I want it to be soon. Miss you guys!
ReplyDeleteLove that kid. I have some beautiful grandboys!