Friday, December 11, 2015

A and S stats

Still havent moved docs since we moved a couple years ago...

So, doctor's visits turn into day trips, which is kind of fun.  Ashton and Shepherd were due for their annual check ups and we made a day of it.  Picked them up from school at 11:30 and didnt get home until after 6.  We stopped at Barnes and Noble and the outlets to get shoes.... so many feet in this house!

Both boys are so healthy and growing like crazy.

Ashton Stats
Weight- 50.3 lbs - 21%
Height - 50.5" - 50%
Shepherd Stats
Weight- 58.2 lbs - 94% (yes, he is almost 8 lbs heavier than is older brother)
Height- 49.5" - 98%
So, they both stayed on the same general curve, give or take a couple percentage points.

While there, the doctor asked about diarhera/ constipation issues.  Unbeknownest to him, diarhera is Bennett's favorite word right now and he just started singing about diarhera.  It was just great.

Shepherd and Ashton are so different from size to personalities.  Love these boys so much.  Just a quick funny from this week.  

The boys school does the Santa Shop for kids to come in buy cheap crappy gifts for people.  Both Shepherd and Ashton took $20 of their money to buy gifts (let me note that Hunter is wise and did not particiapte).  They immediately get in the car and start passing out these "gifts".  Ashton gives me a little purple ring saying he picked it because I love purple and because of Clemson.  I thank him, tell him I love it.  
Shepherd then proceeds to give the ring he picked out.... a huge, multi colored flower ring.  Again, I tell him thank you and I love it.  Ashton seeing that Shpherd's ring is much larger feels he needs to justify why his is smaller... he says, "I liked that one too but I didnt have enough money."  I assure him that I love the one he gave me.
I dont think this needs explaining... :)I have worn them the last two days and will continue to wear them until a)they break or 2) they turn my fingers black. 
Twenty minutes later, we are at home and Ashton unpacks his backpack and says, "look mom, I still had $4 leftover from the Santa Shop."  haha- so maybe he did have enough money but thankfully, I huge flower ring is enough.

I love  having boys!  :)


  1. I laughed till I hurt and your dad chuckled three times over this one.....this, Hannah, is a funny post!
