As you can see below
Weight- 33.2 lbs (26%)
And just for fun, Hunter's stats at 4 were - height 42.75" (93%) and weight 42 lbs (89%). Hunter hit the 33 lb weight mark at his 2 year old check up... ha ha, talk about different genes!
Another thing about the appt that made me chuckle was on one of the vaccination sheets they give you. Ashton got 2 shots today (though in my opinion it is really 4 since they combine the MMR and chicken pox into one shot and they combine the DTP and polio into one shot.) That sure does sound like a lot of disease (live or not) running around into a small system... anyway... some may remember that Ashton got a bad rash on mostly his face from the first round of the chicken pox vax. I would call it a small case of chicken pox though most doctors say it is not the actual chicken pox.
I thought this side effect was humorous.
Doesn't that "mild rash" that is potentially contagious kind of sound like something? Oh yeah, CHICKEN POX. Love the way doctors word things.
Anyway, Ashton did a great job. He did cry over the shots and whimpered over the finger prick but he did everything the doctor told him to do and politely answered his questions. Hopefully, over the next year, we can pack some meat on those bones of his and keep those percentiles from falling.
What action lacks in size, he more than makes up for with his will!