I am a wacko, I love half birthdays and my little boy hit 4 1/2 yesterday. How?!?!
Over the past few weeks, I have been keeping a list of some of the funny "Hunterisms" that have surfaced and some of the profound/ thought- provoking questions he has asked me.
May 17
"Mommy, why did Jesus have to die on the cross so we could go to heaven?"
- This question about threw me off of my feet, however, I love answering these types of questions from him. He is already talking about Jesus living in his heart and has such a desire to know more about the Bible and Jesus. Lots of people predict ministry in his future, regardless, I pray that he always lets his light shine for Jesus.
May 23-
We don't really do stuffed animals, but he found a teddy bear in his closet and called it a titty bear. It cracked me up.... the worst part is now Ashton calls it a titty bear too.
May 24 (at the dinner table)-
Hunter - "Mommy, where does bacon come from?"
Me- "The kind you are eating comes from a turkey, the other kind comes from a pig."
Hunter- "How do they get it out?"
Me- "Well, they kill the animal and get the meat out."
Hunter (with a look of horror - remember he is super sensitive)- "They kill it, that is not very nice."
Me- "If you want bacon, then you have to kill it."
Hunter- "No mommy that is not what they do, you are wrong."
June 8- This is my favorite
I have an 11*14 bridal portrait of me in our bedroom. Hunter looked up and stared at it and said, "mommy, are you an angel?"
I wanted to say, "why, yes, yes I am."
Gosh, I love this kid. He still calls me pretty, beautiful, and even gorgeous multiple times a day. I can't wrestle with him without it turning into a kissing fest.
He probably weighs at 44.5 lbs and is 45" tall. He loves playing with his daddy. He and Ashton love to play then fight then play again. He always makes sure Shep has toys to play with and Molly has food in her bowl. He is turning into such a huge helper and loves to make me happy. He can identify almost all of his letters (we havent done W, X, Y, or Z yet). We still struggle with identifying numbers but at least he can tell you practically every Bible story.
Hunter, you are awesome and I love you to pieces (even though you always want me to explain how I can love you to pieces and why I love you so much... just trust me when I say that I do.)
What a sweet boy! And I love that picture.