Monday, July 24, 2017

All the Half Birthdays

Though we always have recognized half birthdays, the past few years I have been more intentional with them.

We continued the tradition this year of me going on a one on one date with each kiddo on their half birthday.  Because we have one birthday a month from October to January then April to July is when the half b-days hit.

In the past, we have done some fun Carowinds dates but this year, since we moved from the Charlotte area and no longer have season passes, we came up with other ideas.

Ashton was up first.  We went to Dave and Busters (I had never been before).  I thought it was quite overrated but Ashton just soaks up one on one time.  We ate at D&B's and he flew threw his points for the games.  We then went to a couple stores looking around at things he liked and got a frappe while looking around at things in Barnes and Noble.

The big 9.5.  Enjoying our walk in Greenville.

Eating his big ol' hamburger... My cheese steak was pretty good too.

My gamer

Shepherd was next.  He also chose.... Dave and Busters.  We ate their and he also finished up with his points rather quickly.  Shep and I stopped in at Kohls and looked around at some toys on our way home.
So happy after his date!
Oh, this kid... His favorite thing- a whoopie cushion
In the zone.
Hunter, thankfully, did not Dave and Busters.  His half birthday kind of snuck up on us.  Add to the fact that he was indecisive about what he wanted to do and it became a last minute plan.  We both really wanted to hike but needed a bit more time to plan.  So, we took off to downtown Greenville.  We walked the main downtown strip and talked, had a very nice grown up dinner, did Falls Park, and went to Coffee Underground.  It was truly a date and I loved it!

Getting ready for our date

Falls Park- So pretty

Just a pretty shot.

Stylin and profilin'

Bennett was the last date for the year.  Bennett was quite gracious in sharing his date with his brothers.  Normally I would leave the older ones for a couple hours while Bennett and I went on our date, but with workers coming and going from the house due to the renovations; I didnt think that was a good idea.  In addition, Chad was out of town and it is too far to ask my dad to come and sit with them for a couple hours.  So, Bennett invited them all along.  I warned the older three that it was Bennett's time and their opinion did not matter. haha.

Bennett chose the zoo and playground.  He then wanted Panera for lunch.  As a surprise, I took them all to Chuck E Cheeses as well.  And because I am a sucker, we ran into Barnes and Noble and as well with each of them picking out a book.  Speaking of books, I need to get a book post put together too...

Mr Giraffe, Bennett and me!
He loves those reptiles.

4 little men with an iguana (I think) in the background

Bennett shooting some dinosaurs at The Dairy Rat

Some "friendly" brotherly competition

I seriously love going out with each kid.  They talk my ears off and they so look forward to their date time.

And, I never gave an end of the school year update on the kids.  I guess the combination of me working plus the kids only being at this school for a few months left me little motivation.

However, I am so proud of these fellas. They didnt miss a beat with changing schools mid-year.  All of their grades/ test scores were fantastic!  They all exceeded their goals set at the beginning of the year.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

We are In!

It has been 5 days since we moved into our house... No, the renovations are not done but with school starting in less than a month, sports activities already in full swing and the need to start feeling settled, we went ahead and made the move.  The renovations are hopefully going to be done by the end of the next week.  It is quite a process and I am trying to be patient.  Until the rooms are done then are stuff (especially the boy's rooms) are going to be a hot mess.

I wish I took some pictures of all the help we had the day leading up to the move, the day of the move, and the day after the move but my mind was elsewhere.

My parents came over the day before and helped me get the house ready "to receive" (in the words of my mom) all the stuff.  Chad had 5 football players, his dad, Tommy, cousins and cousins in law, and Ashton and Shep's soccer coach and wife help in the unloading the storage unit.  Grandma kept the kids all day and then head dinner ready for us that evening.  My parents stayed back at their house and got all of our basement stuff packed up and ready for the moving kids to come over.  It was really a quick process considering how much stuff we have!  I enjoyed multiple cups of coffee and a couple glasses of wine and was happy as a lark!  The day after my parents came back over and dad hung blinds for me and mom continued to clean up.  Our first night in the house was Sunday.

 Pre Move....
All the doors, interior and exterior, are getting Iron Ore paint.  The closets have since received their coats of paint as well.  I adore this color!  More on the doors later!

Hunter helping me paint out Shepherd's room.  

This fire place will receive some more TLC over the next months but for now the inset got a couple coats of Iron Ore as well.

This is the weird little room in the garage (that is Air Conditioned... it was a beauty salon for the previous owner).  got a coat of leftover paint from the previous owner).  So many ideas for this little gem of a room.)

The first of may before and afters... this little half bathroom is not finished but... need to show some progress.

Before- the brown that was alllll over the entire house.

Trying to find a color... Mom and Bennett voted for the yellowy color on the far left.  Hunter voted for the one beside it.  Ashton and liked the middle, and Shep the blue one.  But, my vote is really the only one that matters so I added the one to the far right after I got their votes and went with it... It is called Contended... You all now that I pick paint colors based on their names. You also now that contentment has been my anthem over the last 7 years.  So, it seemed appropriate and it is quite the lovely color.

Here she is.  This bathroom doesnt even have a mirror in it yet. But the paint is done. :)

Post Move
Since the move, the sheetrock has been hung and the mudding is happening as I type.

Ashton's room

Hunt's room

Little sitting area littered with boxes

Bennett's room is currently wall to wall beds as we wait for the 2 extra rooms to be finished

My room.

There are also some little things that still need to be done... We had the big ol' flourescent lights taken out in the kitchen and the master bathroom.  Unfortunately, we did this after the popcorn ceilings were done.  So, our ol' Carlos has to come back out and touch up take the popcorn down where the lights were removed.  However, I am so happy to have the can lights!

Here is the little weird garage room again.  You can see a lighter tan color on the walls (which I will probably repaint in the next year).  Right now this space has our office desk, the Wii, and fusbol table.

The current state of the garage... this kind of stresses me out!

The mess of the storage room.  This needs some major organization... another room of stress.

View of the back of the house... look at those luscious Iron Ore doors... Love! 
And the perks of unpacking.  Finding all those sweet pictures that make you smile.... all my babies at 8 months!  
So, we are making progress.  I will feel so much better once the renovations are complete and I can get my house in order.  I have had a paint brush in my hand every day for the past week or more.  I believe I will be painting the 2 extra rooms once the guys are done with the finishing.  This week the boys have had VBS at Papa Hub and Grandma's church every evening where dinner served as well.  That, my friends, is a God-wink if I have ever had one.  It has been so nice to know the kids are being loved on while I have a few hours to work at the house.  Hub has taken Hunter to football practice for me while Grandma picks them up for VBS.  My dad kept the boys while I had a work event yesterday.  It truly takes a village and I so grateful.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

House on a Hill - 2

It has been exactly a month since we closed on our house.... we are hopeful that we will be moved in in a couple weeks.

 Last week, Carlos, the popcorn ceiling guy, finished and the ceilings really do look amazing... who knew ceilings would make such a difference!  Lat week, another Carlos, began framing out the space above the garage.  This included raising the height the of the hallway and framing out the 2 bedrooms, 2 closets, and the hallway.   Yesterday, the electrician and HVAC crew began working- it was so hot and I felt bad for them stuck up in that hot hot hot room!  Insulation is supposed to go in Friday.  By the end of the next week, everything (besides maybe the flooring) should be ready!

Newly framed hallway

End of hallway... to the left is a bedroom and straight ahead is a bedroom

Another view of bedroom and closet

Moses checking things out... this was his first trip to the house

My parents gave me Monday to help me paint.  We made a good bit of progress even between our distractions.  Guys, there are so many things to distract at this house... it is seriously potential project after potential project after potential project... and I can not wait!!!

The battle of the right whitish.  I didnt want my trim color to be the normal bright white.  This house isnt a bright white kind of house.  After much debate, I settled on Shoji White (Sherwin Williams).  It is a warm white and looks really good.  In fact, you can see the picture below and see I decided to paint my kitchen this same whitish color.  Ceiling also go Shoji White.

New Fridge.
And freshly painted door...thinking about painting all the interior doors this color as well as the kitchen cabinets.  Color is Sherwin Williams- Iron Ore and it lush.
So fun working with these two... hysterical.  The wall to the left h

I then spent most of the 4th with a paint brush in my hand.  I did take about 3 hour mid day break to head up to Chad's family pool to celebrate our nation, but then headed right back to the house and worked until after 9 at night.   There is still so much to do but I am confidant that we will get it done.

Master Bedroom before anything

The beginnings of the master bedroom paint job.  I used the leftover color from the dining room area (it was just enough) for  above the chair rail. It is Sherwin Williams- Poised Taupe.  Below chair rail will be Shoji White.
Here is a close up of Poised Taupe.  I actually like the wet version (right) a smidge better than the dry version, but is a very pretty color and adds a bit of depth.  I forgot to take a picture of the dining room/ sitting nook area but will post next time.

So, there is a quick update on the house progression.  By next weekend, we hope to be moving most of our stuff in.  Crazy!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Edisto - Part 2

This has to be a record for how quickly I have blogged this beach trip... I was smart this time and while I was loading pictures at the picture, I just blogged the first entry.  I have a feeling that I am going to want to post house updates pretty soon so I need to finish up the beach stuff.

During the Checkers tournament, which I had zero desire to participate in.... Sandee, Tommy, PapaHub, the 3 littles (Jo, Sam, and B), and I went to the Snakeatarium on Edisto.  None of us had gone before so we didnt know what to expect.  We were pleasantly surprised not only with the number of animals but the very informative presentations- one on snakes and one on alligators.  The kids did a great job (my older ones wished they would have gone with us.)

PapaHub really enjoyed reading all the info sheets.  
Snack break

3 little alligator snacks in Alligator Alley

George and Bennett- this guy was HHHUUUGGGEEE

Waiting for the Snake presenation
The snake handler with a rattlesnake
Hungry alligators gathering for lunchtime...I named these four, Hunter, Ashton, Shepherd, and Bennett

I had to take a picture of myself to prove I was indeed there... haha.
 We also had two reasons to celebrate.... On Wednesday, Sami turned 5 and Chad and I celebrated 14 years of wedded bliss.
14 years ago...geez.  
Happy 5th Samantha!
 Our annual beach family pictures .... We were planning on doing them at Botany Bay but it was closed (we think due to the hurricane last year).  Papa Hub suggested the same beach access we went to earlier and it was a really pretty place to take them.

The group- thanks to the stranger who offered to take the picture

The leaders of the pack

hahaha- Joey!
Oldest to youngest

And of course, the silly pictures bribe

Uncle Tom Tom and Aunt Sandee with the girls

The little stud

Hunter looking quite grown up


My Beezer

Love this face
Some other pictures from the week.

I walked the beach for about an hour every morning...  I morning I got up early enough to fully watch the sunrise.  I love this picture.
Papa Hub and Hunter enjoying an ice cream
My Joey girl!  This girl is a spit fire.  "I've got that shunshine in my poooocket." 

A delicious dinner at the Sea Cow- thanks PapaHub and Grandma.

Another great year of amazing memories.  PapaHub and Grandma, thanks for a wonderful trip!  (Oh, and without even meaning to... 30 pictures exactly on this post.) :)